Given the semi-isolated location of the farm in the hilly forested area of IAȘI county, where the fauna and flora are worthy of a fairytale, Bullstar Farm is unpolluted, and the rearing system is a traditional one. Our pastures are certified to be organic.
By planting trees (acacias, lindens, apples, plums, etc.), using ecological energy resources (wind and sun), reusing everything that can be reused (upcycling), by caring for plants and insects to conserve biodiversity, Bullstar aims to a production in compliance with nature and care for the environment.
In order to achieve the quality of marbled meat, which we offer from the traditional breeding system, in addition to a correct production technology, proper genetics is necessary.
Thus we focus especially on the genetics of the breed, so that our animals are born from fathers and mothers with Angus Pedigree. After each generation of Angus born on the Bullstar Farm, the breeding bull is changed so as not to create genetic mutations through inbreeding.
We wish to share our story with other Angus farms, and that is why some of our calves will be used for reproduction in order to perpetuate the quality.
2021 CarpatIs Welt Agro Product S.R.L.
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