Angus meat is marbled, tender, juicy bright red ANGUS cattle impress with its fine and consistent taste. The tender and marbled meat is very sought after in the top gastronomy and in the premium sector.
When it comes to feeding, grass and alfalfa and clover species play a central role. Cattle can do amazing things with their ingenious digestive system (4 stomachs). Eat plants that are difficult for people to digest, such as grass and clover, and turn them into milk and meat in an extremely effective way.
Until shortly before the beginning of the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century, it was inconceivable that cattle should have wheat or corn in their diet. With the advent of mechanization and the growing need for meat consumption, cattle began to be fed corn and grain – and with that came problems with digestion, as well as fertility disorders and other diseases. If you feed a beef with cereals, it takes about 7 kg of cereal to gain 1 kg of meat.
Our animals spend most of their time on pastures. From March to November their food is provided on wonderful pastures.
In winter, the cows are fed exclusively with quality hay sown with plant mixes according to special recipes that provide the full range of nutrients needed by animals.
Meat obtained from animals fed by natural feed on pastures is more economical and more useful from an ecological point of view. The natural growth is done in a long period of time, but it gives the meat its finesse and perfect taste.
Grazing and movement provide vital, robust animals, and vital animals provide healthier meat because no antibiotic treatments are needed.
Angus breeds are famous worldwide for the special quality of the meat – sensitivity and fine marbling. Our animals are not fattened. The slaughter age of our cattle is between about 24 and 30 months.
2021 CarpatIs Welt Agro Product S.R.L.
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